(PST! Don't forget I would love to hear
from you about your own goals (resolution or not) and your progress as
well, so that we can help each other stick to it!)
So here it is, my
list of things I want to accomplish this year and how I am going about
it. Here is how I'm doing so far:
I'm into the shaping portion of my sweater, and while I've had a difficult time lately knitting it (or knitting in general for that matter) I am having a great time knitting it! I really like the way it is coming out. I cannot wait to wear it!
- Get this blog consistent traffic
Last post I told you that I opened a
Facebook page,
twitter account,
flickr specific to my blog and informed you of my personal
Pinterest and
Instagram accounts. And since then I have decided that it was too much to fast, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even like twitter. :/ So I
am stepping back, and while
Pinterest and
Instagram will be updated still (since they are personal not necessarily related to the blog or
Sell 6 projects on Esty or elsewhere DONE!
I did it! But to be fair, looking back, that wasn't much of a goal. I haven't yet decided what to replace this goal with, seeing as I don't have a great grasp of what
is a realistic yet challenging goal to reach for, I will need some time to think about it.
A friend of mine who cross stitches has plans to drag me into a stitch-a-long with her, so whenever that happens (I think it's in June) I will begin to conquer this resolution!
We aren't really any closer, however we are slowly but surely saving money for it. Our goal is to try by September or October to apply for a loan. Fingers crossed!
Since the last update I am sad to say that my time on Rosetta has dwindled significantly. Work and life has been getting in the way, so hopefully once all these trainings and moving and such has occurred I will be able to get back to it!
- Schedule my time effectively
Put on hold for the time being.
- Get back in "working order"
Put on hold for the time being.
So that's how I did last month, not super impressive, but I'm sticking to my big one, mostly. How have you done?
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