Sunday, April 20, 2014

Random WIPs

 This week Ive been working on catching up on some things I've fallen behind on (hello thank you cards for my shower that was back in OCTOBER!!!) And this is my long stretch of birthdays, so I've been churning out presents. So far I've been pretty smart about it, making sure I'm not biting off more than I can chew as it was. I've picked things that are quick, easy, don't require much mental thought and can be done while nursing. She does demand my attention when she is awake these days and tries to 'help' when I work in front of her. So here are some snip-its of what I've been working on this week:

I made a pair of socks for my brother's birthday. He really likes the socks I make him, so I try to get him a pair at least once a year. I based it off of Thuja, which is a go-to sock pattern for me. I used a grass stitch instead of the seed stitch rib.

I also made a shawl for my madre. It's more of a kercheif (as the pattern suggests) but she loves it just the same. The color(s) are right up her ally too.

I'm sure you've seen these shirts on Pinterest, it says: "I'm sorry for what I said when I was hungry." It's kinda like a family motto. We all need one.

And I'm still working on Hypnotoad. It never ends! I keep making design changes so, that probably has something to do with it too. I'm thinking of adding some black work in the neon colors to imitate the wavy-grooviness in some of his pictures. What do you think? Anything you're working on?

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